Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jesus Camp

I just watched the documentary Jesus Camp. It was simply the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. It has truly made me despair. While I was watching that vile lumpy troglodyte of a woman stalking around scaring the crap out of young children, I kept thinking of how she was creating cripples. Much like the myth that Amazonians would quarterize breast tissue of female children with a red hot brand to prevent growth, so that they might more efficiently use a bow, Becky Fischer was quarterizing the faculty of reason in these children's minds before it ever had the chance to develop. The difference being that this mental quarterization does not allow for the efficient use of anything, except maybe a scourge. I was almost reduced to tears at the thought that these poor children were having the one function that sets us apart from other animals, namely the function of reason, systematically destroyed in the name of a bronze-age myth.

I try very hard to remain optimistic about the future of humanity and the world, but documentaries like this just about destroy me. I really wish I had never seen it. I'm about ready to go bush, live in a cave and say to hell with the human race. Maybe I'll feel differently in the morning.

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